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KEVIN & KELL. #9: Straight Outta Computers (paperback) (2004) (Bill Holbrook)

KEVIN & KELL. #9: Straight Outta Computers (paperback) (2004) (Bill Holbrook)

$ 12.95

KEVIN & KELL #9: Straight Outta Computers ($12.95) by Bill Holbrook. Contained within is the complete non-dialog "Christmas for Coney" sequence, plus Kevin and Kell's sleuthing career and the dangers posed by the evil Castrato crime family. Changes are a major theme for everyone as we witness Fenton's purchase of a rather unusual tree, Kell's spiritual quest, Bruno's trans-diet operation and Vin Vulpen's adoption of a Wild lifestyle. Finally, Kevin's sister Danielle enters the picture along with the radical group "Rabbit's Revenge"!

2004       128 pages  color 8x9 softcover from Plan Nine Publishing