NOTE: This copy is slightly WRINKLED but is complete and intact. Great for reading!
FURRLOUGH #100 (SHOPWORN, $3.99) Special double-sized issue featuring TALL TAILS Part 23 by Calderon & Lage, COCKROACHES Part 2 by Whalen, HEEBAS Conclusion by Arsenault, BLAZIN' CHARLOTTE by Norton, BUBBA & SMOOT: DOGS OF WAR Part 2 by Mills, TALES OF MARGA by Thorvaldson, EBIN & MAY Part 7 by Hanson & Garcia, ROOMIES by Flinthoof, plus many illustrations of congratulations from many artists, and a FURRLOUGH index of issues 83 through 99. Compilation cover.
April 2001 64 pages b&w comic from Radio Comix
This is our only copy.