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KEVIN. & KELL. #13: Pregnant Paws (2008) (Bill Holbrook)

KEVIN. & KELL. #13: Pregnant Paws (2008) (Bill Holbrook)

$ 14.95

KEVIN & KELL #13: Pregnant Paws ($14.95) by Bill Holbrook. This 13th collection is a lucky one for the Dewclaws as two major events take place. Kevin runs for school board, and his second try at elective office goes much better than the first. The other features Danielle as we follow her entire pregnancy through the delivery of her son Francis and the resulting mystery of just what mammalian species he is! All this and much more. Forward by Pete 'SLUGGY FREELANCE' Abrams.

2008     168 pages  8x9 b&w softcover from Moonbase Press